Jordan 2.0 - from the desert to the Dead sea
The "Martian" desert, holy lands, one of the most preserved cities of the ancient world, the seventh miracle, glamping, and red seas.
A space tour of places where films were shot: “Dune”, “Star Wars”, “Martian.”
8 days
walks, excursions, swimming, moving
Group size
11 people
The program
space tents in the Wadi-Rum desert overlooking the starry sky
Accommodation in glamping
ancient Roman cities of Amman and Jerash with a guide: temples of Zeus, Artemis and Hercules, forums, amphitheaters, Citadel
Amman and Jarash
the oldest mosaic map of the Holy Land of the Byzantine period. Mount Nebo (Heaven), Jordan River, excavations of the place where John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ.
The holy lands of Jordan
one of the saltiest reservoirs on the planet
The Dead Sea
Seventh Miracle
an ancient city carved into rock
Night Petra
a magical walk through the night city lit by live candles
Wadi Rum
a magical walk through the night city lit by live candles
ride camels and horses through the desert
Dinner in the desert
private sunset dinner, with amazing picture taking opportunities
accommodation in the best hotels
Accommodation in hotels 5*
Jeep- Safari
jeep ride in the desert stops in the most aesthetic locations
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Travel organizer
Anna Vorokhobko
About her
Blogger, entrepreneur. The founder of Update Me Camp, the organizer of the most aesthetic trips around the world and simply open to new acquaintances!
Anna has done 10 curated VIP trips over the years. Photos from these trips blew up all aesthetic hashtags on Instagram. More than 100 participants, more than 40 flights per year, thousands of kilometers and millions of emotions and ideas.
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